Mapping your route of growth through business strategy and coaching

Two Tides specialise in guiding medium-sized businesses to reach their full growth potential. Whether that be regional, national, or global growth, preparing to acquire or exit, or breaking through constraints which impact your ability to achieve your vision of success, our team is here to help you navigate your journey.

As coach, mentor, advisor and consultant the Two Tides team partner with business leaders, senior leadership teams and marketing as they become top performers. Utilising our proven strategic framework, we help you develop a customised plan that will help you achieve your unique goals and chart a course to success.

Sharn Rayner

Two Tides Services

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Business Growth

A growth-minded business needs a strategy set and a proven operating framework to guide them.

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Business Coaching Programme

Train and empower leaders with a desire to enhance capabilities and future success.

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Business Growth

Tailored solutions fostering growth and success through implementation support.

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Two Tides Consulting

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Gravitas Impact 7 Attributes Certified
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7 Attributes of Agile Growth

Our team at Two Tides employ the 7 Attributes of Agile Growth™ into our business coaching methodology for growth. This is an agile, scalable, and comprehensive framework that provides tools to build capability in your leadership team, and help your team align their decisions.

Strategy requires action. Two Tides ensure your leadership team understand how these attributes collectively allow for scaling leadership, culture, and financial results.

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business coaching programme

Ideas packed fresh, with Caspak

Focused on the business strategy

“As my confidant and sounding board, we have built up a partnership of trust which has been of great help over many years.

Sharn has always been very supportive and given me robust advice on my business needs, when required. Sharn does not say yes if the answer needs to be no, and this has helped to me to focus on some of the more difficult tasks in running a business.

Sharn has kept the business focused and committed on the business strategies and goals. Through her diverse and extensive business advisory experience and knowledge, she has helped us develop at every level from sales, marketing, and people management.

Sharn is a straight talker, loyal and truly committed to enabling high growth business owners to succeed, through the good and the challenging times in running a business.”

Harry, CEO – Caspak

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Experiencing The Wall Walk

Jacqui shares her experience with The Wall Walk, learning about Māori heritage in New Zealand through an engaging and immersive journey.

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